Chinese medicine practitioner may use their refined skills with one or several techniques to administer effective treatment. The principal techniques and their functions are described below:
Acupuncture restores the balance to the flow of energy, returning the body to a health state. Only meticulously sterilized or one-time disposable needles are used.
One of the Chinese herbs we called: mugwort. The burning of moxa over the point. Help to promote circulation and warm up the meridian. Can also helps for the breech baby.
Is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which the practitioner put the special cups on the skin for few minutes to create suction. Helps the blood flow and relaxation.
The use of the finger instead of the needling the points. Along the meridian promotes the circulation and relax the muscles.
Electrical Stimulation
Through the needles open energy conducting pathways throughout the body. Sometimes E-stim may applied to needles.
Oriental Herbs
Chinese herbs has been around for over thousands of years and are very effective at strengthening and regulating flows of energy throughout the body.